Sunday, 2 June 2013

I'm On Tour!

So it seems I have been roped into another trip by my sometimes editor/ sometimes guidance counselor/ sometimes writing partner Ms Mack, She packed my bags, booked my ticket and somehow managed to find my passport from its spot under the sofa cushions with enough money for a coffee on the way and even managed to get me to the church… oh wait wrong story.   Blogport on time, even with the Left turn, not right at Albuquerque all without being cavity searched by the TSA, which is a win in anyone’s book.

So, my first destination is a place called Mountain Spring House, and according to the guide book, “you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”  No, no, wrong script again . . . that’s Congress.

 Mountain Spring House is a publishing company which, for some unknown reason has decided I actually have talent and has expressed an interest in my writing, once I have finished my MA and actually finished the blasted book.

Go check out Mountain Springs House Publishing at: 

The blog tour page can be found at:  MSH Bog Tour.

So, as well as trying to find myself since I am usually barely aware of where I am at the moment, regular readers of this blog will remember the disclaimer that I am strung together with caffeine nicotine and a cocktail of drugs that would make John Belushi think ‘sod that, let’s stay in and play scrabble.’

 I am here to promote my fellow writers and promote my writing and make some new friends and colleagues as well. So, well shit! Look at the time, my ride’s arrived!  My tickets here and I just have time to neck my coffee and chase it with my morning meds so away we go!


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